Monday, July 27, 2015

3 Words to Adopt to Ensure Business Success

The other evening I was fortunate enough to be invited to join a women's panel at a Business in Heels Function In Townsville. I was one of three businesswomen being asked questions about how we started in business, what motivated us and what  advise we could give to the 120 plus women attending.

One of the questions I was asked was;

 " What three pieces of advice would you give someone who wants to become a successful business

I thought carefully about this and came up with 3 Words

Number 1 - BELIEF

Belief in yourself and the product you are selling and promoting. You have to believe in your business because there will be many times when people will not believe in you or your brand and you must stand firm and push through, Block out the negative voices who say it can't be done, it's too hard, there is no market for that kind of service in your area. blah, blah, blah!
You will come across people that only see why YOU shouldn't do something and not why YOU should.
Belief in yourself and your dreams will keep you going. Never listen to what your limitations are but believe in what your potential is.


The day you start your business be prepared to be in it for the long haul. Success doesn't happen overnight. When you hear of actors/models/entrepeneurs being overnight successes, usually they have been treading the boards for many years. There will be many years of planning, networking , building and growing ahead of you. Some times it will feel easy and everything is going your way and other times it will feel like nothing is going well.  Money is short, ideas are short and energy is depleted.
Keep going. If you BELIEVE in what you are doing then eventually you will hit GOLD but owning a business is a privilege and the buck stops with you. Be prepared for the roller-coaster of owning a business and strap yourself in for the ride.


Owning a business is hard work but fun.You need to prepare yourself mentally, physically and emotionally for the ups and downs of your fabulous dream.
You need to develop coping skills to keep that stress under control. Invest in a good diet to give you enough energy to face the daily challenges that will come your way.
Find out ways to decrease stress other than drinking copious amounts of wine ( guilty as charged) Start learning meditation, incorporate exercise in your daily routine or have a strong core of good mentors that you can turn to for advice.
Looking at the bigger picture rather than focusing on what's immediately in front of you is also helpful.
Don't take criticism too personally (also guilty as charged) Accept it gracefully  and learn from it and improve your vision
A thick skin and optimism is crucial to stayin' Alive in the new Age of business.

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